Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Turn it up!

The new servo drivers can handle 160Vdc with the braking module starting to operate at 180Vdc. The motors are rated at 150Vdc, so it would be wrong to underutilise them. Higher voltage basically allows faster movement which is all the rage these days - and indeed the sign of a real man. The 160V / 35A rating of the CNCdrives modules is a pretty good match to the motors. 

Having dumped the massive 3-phase transformer, I needed another source of power for the drives. 

A nice SMPS would have been an acceptable solution but I don't have one and didn't fancy coughing up hundreds of £ for one. So I took a 110V CTE (centre tapped earth) site transformer and removed some secondary turns to leave a 100V secondary. This will give me around 140Vdc off load. The "Wall mounted" version is not potted, so easy to dismantle and modify, unlike the yellow moulded site transformers with their potted internals.

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