Monday, 11 November 2024

TIG welder up and running - after some fault diagnostics and repair

Finally got some time to connect up the flow meter and argon hose. Plugged in the torch and ground cables and the torch hose etc. Powered it up via the new 32A plug and off I went.

The display came up again - very nice. But pressing the torch trigger resulted in ...... nothing. No clicking or any hissing from the HF circuit. Hmm. 

Continuity testing the torch trigger switch showed it was operating up to the front panel connector. Time to take off the cover - again - and take a closer look. Bollocks. Did the combined forces of DPD and UPS manage to fuck something up beyond the bent cover?

It is surely something simple like a connector that has come loose. Hopefully. And indeed, the problem was simple to spot and rectify:

The bottom (blue) wire crimp had come out of its shell. Clearly hadn't been inserted fully. Clicked it fully into place and Bob's your auntie. Phew. Machine now works!

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