Friday, 15 February 2019

Newker 990MDc parameter settings for Shizuoka machine

Before I took the Newker controller off The Shiz to replace it with the Acorn, I had it working pretty nicely. I'd reached the end of my capability when it came to translating the strong Chinglish manual and there were some functions I'd given up trying to implement. That was rather frustrating, given that is clearly a very powerful and fully featured system. It even has the capability to use encoder feedback to provide fully closed loop operation, plus the usual rigid tapping, auto tool measurement etc.

Now that I've moved the Newker controller onto my Blidgeport conversion, I'm going to have to reconfigure the parameters to suit the different system which comprises DMM Tech servos (X&Y), Leadshine closed loop stepper (Z) and 5mm ballscrews. Seems like a good time to note down the settings I had finished up with in the end before changing them.

Here it is on the Blidgeport machine:

And these are the settings I captured back in Jan 2018:

Speed Parameter:

Axis Parameters: 

Other Parameter:

User Parameter:

Other Parameter:

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