Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Plumbing the depths

Yuk. The coolant sump is full of shitty slop. When the machine mover guy tipped the machine on its side during the unloading, it dumped a load of water and some oil. Not sure where the water came from, as it was apparently filled exclusively with neat cutting oil. However, I know that there was quite a bit of water around, judging by the rust damage in the head and quill. I may never know the specifics but at some time a lot of water got in. Now the sump is full of water, oil, scum and god know what. 

The plan is to suck it out using a drill-mounted sump pump. I got one from Homebase of all places for about a tenner. Along with a couple of lengths of hose and some empty 4 pint plastic milk bottles, I'm ready to go.

Big bucket in case of leaks:

But don't allow the hose to come off the outlet!
Bollocks. I'll come back tomorrow and have another go. I think this may take a few sessions.

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