Sunday, 14 August 2022

Testing and setting up the turret

Let's test the turret controls!

Well that worked. It required a bit of time for the air to be blown through the system, then I turned the pump speed up to 50hz. this pump is actually rated for 60hz being a US machine but it works fine at 50hz.

Here we are. 

And indeed it manages random tool changes. Phew.

Further mods to the PLC?

It feels very marginal in terms of mechanical margin / tolerances, so I can imagine that it may not be 100% dependable. However, there's still the "turret locked" switch input waiting to be connected up, so let's look at connecting it in.

Here's the relevant section of the RotateTurretStage2 stage:

;Reverse turret after timer expires in order to lock into correct tool location
; IF ToolTurretOffCurrentToolTimer THEN RST RotateToolTurret, SET ToolChangeComplete_M, RST ToolTurretEnable
; Change to:
IF ToolTurretOffCurrentToolTimer THEN RST RotateToolTurret, RST ToolTurretEnable
IF INP41 THEN SET ToolChangeComplete_M

If I have understood the original statement correctly, I have removed the RST ToolChangeComplete_M flag reset and changed it so it is conditional on the INP41 input being SET. Otherwise, if it is not, the toolchange won't be considered complete and the ATC timeout will result.

Let's modify the SRC file, compile it and try it out....

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