Thursday, 9 November 2017

Starting fabrication of the enclosure. And stopping as well....

I started to make up a framework for the front of an enclosure. That bloody console unit is making life difficult and I can't help thinking (again) that I should move the damned thing out of the way. My smart ass way of fitting curtains doesn't work with that giant telly in the way.

The plan is to use a similar concept to what Threadexpress has refined on his Tormachs. I will use a double ball bearing drawer unit (500mm length) and some polycarbonate to make a sliding / hinged door on the front. 

But bollocks. That telly has to move. It's a big and heavy thing. I remounted the original cranked arm after I'd junked the giant electrical cabinet but the original crank wasn't sufficient to clear the machining area, not least the area where the curtains need to be on the RH side of the machine.

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