Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Boxing up The Shiz

I've lost a fair bit of time over the last week or so due to some buggerage with work - or more accurately the impending cessation of work with the current employer. I've pretty much done what was required for them and although it was described as a permanent position, if they don't decide to make any follow-on new products, it would be rather extravagant to keep paying me. And being Chinese it seems that the notice period in the written contract is open for interpretation. I suppose you could say it should come as no surprise, having seen it so many times before. Still, nobody died and I remain employable, so the next challenge lies in wait for me out there. But the bottom line is that I've been busy buggering about with CVs and agencies - and also feeling a little less motivated than ideal.

However, there has been some progress, just not as much as I'd normally expect. The framework for the swarf / coolant enclosure is coming along and is almost ready to come off for final welding up.

This is the frame for the hinged door. The idea is a direct copy of Threadexpress's enclosure design. There will be a fixed see-through polycarbonate panel in the hinged frame and another, sliding one to cover the remaining opening. 

The whole thing goes up and down with the knee, so there needs to be some form of anchorage at the back of the knee. This is a great excuse for butchering the machine by drilling and tapping holes in it:

This was the state of play yesterday evening:

Before getting some more time in the workshop this afternoon (only an hour at the most), I also had a go at levelling the kitchen floor with some of that self-levelling screeding compound. Worked quite well. Before dumping the stuff on the floor, I used a long spirit level to position some screws (in wall plugs) at various places across the floor. By screwing them in and out (down and up), I could see what the required level should be. I marked them out in yellow to avoid tripping over them.

Now for the mix and pour. This is the result of 4 bags:

It's set now and is fine to walk on. I'll tackle the other side of the kitchen next time, possibly tomorrow.

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