Friday, 25 February 2022

Hydraulic pump operation on single phase?

My plan is to use an old Xtravert VFD to power the hydraulic pump, thus allowing me to retain the existing tailstock and turret systems. That would follow from me ideally discovering that the drive motor is a 230V machine. If it is only 415V, I guess I could operate it at around half speed but that would be a bit of a fiddle. So I've been planning to take a look and luckily the nameplate is clearly visible through a convenient hole in the frame casting.

Good - its' a 2HP, 1800rpm (at 60Hz) ie 4 pole machine with dual 230/460V (delta-star) connections. I can operate this from single phase 240Vac. 

As for the unused(?) collet closer, I assume I will simply be able to leave off those hoses from the solenoid block. That needs closer investigation. If the solenoid simply swaps over the outputs, I'd have oil pissing out everywhere.

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