Saturday, 26 February 2022

X axis bracket for LiChuan servo motor

The original DC brushed motors are F massive, so the mounting plates are too big for the LiChuan servos that will replace them. So I need to make up some new ones, starting with the X axis (aka cross slide). Here's the original plate inside the (cast iron) servo mount / belt housing:

And here's one of the ancient motors. Measures about 5" diameter and 8" long in old (US) units.

Here is the info for the replacement 90 series servo motors on the LiCHuan website

There's no clever dodge that will allow me to reuse the originals, so let's flash up Fusion and use up some of the 3/8" loominum plate I won when I finally and reluctantly scrapped the ATC. Here's the sketch that drives the model.

And here's the final model in the CAM environment, ready to generate g code.

Chop off a piece of 3/8" loominum plate and square it up in The Shiz.

Then off we go.

Roughed out with 10mm end mill using 2D adaptive

Then 2D adaptive with a 4mm end mill

Followed by 2D Contour with the 4mm end mill and a chamfer on the machined cavities.

Job done - ready for the arrival of the motors and pulleys.

Happy with that. Now let's clean up the Z axis (saddle) ballscrew assembly....

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