Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Like a baby's bum

Clean bottom now! Having flushed the thing through a few times with hot soapy water, most of the heavy scum and crap seemed to have come out. It looked as if something big and very ill had thrown up in it, although it didn't smell too bad if you don't mind the whiff of marine diesel perhaps.

Finally remembered to call in to Halfords on the way home and pick up a half gallon (2.5L these days) tin of Gunk. It's now a pink colour, rather than the clear brown colour of my youth. I expect it's just (red) diesel with some heavy detergent mixed in - or perhaps a breast cancer support thing.

Brushed some of the pink stuff into the dark sludge at the bottom of the main sump, then used a load of giant blue bog roll to soak it all up. Never got to use water with the Gunk (it's basically a soluble oil so you can mix it with oily crap and then wash it off with water), but I suppose it allowed me to soak up the residual water from my flushing along with the oily crud. 

The only sensible way to clean out the cavities under the chip tray drains was to remove the strainers. They were full of the vomit stuff (and Gunk) and the connecting cavities were water and sludge traps of their own. 

Lifting the strainers gave me easy access to clean out any remaining crap.

In the end I managed to get through almost 2 of the giant blue bog rolls (total cost £3.33) and now it's clean and dry. Not clean enough to eat your dinner off but probably cleaner than many babies' bottoms. That'll do!

Continuing the childish bottom humour, here's a view looking up its back passage, fnaaarrr:

Now - replace the inspection cover and pump, making sure to use a decent gasket sealer on the cover. Finally, replace the swarf strainers and top up the sump with some Castrol Hysol XF water soluble lubricant. Broughton Lubricants who are one of the main stockists and seem to be best on price are actually based in Bamber Bridge, not far from Simmal (loominum stockists) where I was yesterday. However, they do free next day delivery, so there's no obvious benefit in driving over to collect in person, not least as I don't have any immediate need for the stuff yet.

The internal space in the main body is also nice and clean now. The Gunk helped to shift it, along with some more of the bog roll. Could easily have made do with white spirit but Gunk was what I had to hand and nobody died.

Now for the inspection cover....

I've got some Permabond liquid gasket stuff. I'd forgotten it's a lurid green colour but it seems to be functional still. 

Cleaned up the surfaces of the cover plate and the aperture and - slap it on boys!

Plop the pump into its hole. 

Job done!

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