Wednesday, 9 May 2018

More wiring - getting there / Omron proximity switches.....

Here's the control wiring for the VFD. I've used the same scheme I used on the original Shiz wiring, since that's the way the Newker controller is already set up. So I have Run CW (S1), Run CCW (S2) and 0-10V (A1) control voltage. I will use the relay output (MA, MC) to provide a "VFD fault" output that can connect in to the e-stop circuit:

The German IP65 terminal box needs to accept 3 of these Omron proximity switches. I'm not 100% certain they will behave well enough but for now, that's what I am going with. They will provide the Z +L, Z -L and Z0 (home) inputs. The Z Step (+), Z Step (-), Z Dir (+), Z Dir (-) and 36V PSU also come in through here. Yes, the Leadshine driver uses the differential drive signals. In contrast, the DMM-Tech servos drives only use single-ended drive signals, like the CNCdrive servos on the Shiz.

I can't squeeze 3 of these cables in through one of these glands, so will fit one per switch. And a 4th one for the Leadshine driver.

Marking out: 

Wires stripped, crimped and connected up:

The other end is connected up to the controller:

These are the connections (in pen, look closely):

This is the proximity switch. I ordered 20 of them from some Chinese ebay shop, where they presumably fell off the back of a lorry. There are 2 versions of them - NPN and PNP - and in fact I received a mixture of both. I need to check which ones to use. 

Here's where we are now. 

  • Mains wired up (isolator, MCBs, VFD, coolant relay, PSUs, controller etc).
  • DMM Tech servodrivers wired up (X and Y, including encoder inputs and PSUs).
  • VFD wired up (controls, AC power, brake resistor).
  • Z axis / head umbilical (terminal box) wired up.

Still to come:

  • X and Y limit switch wiring (from terminal block on chassis plate to controller).
  • Lash up motors for all 3 axes (to test them out).
  • Lash up limit and home switches.
....then do some commissioning. 

Omron proximity switch TL-Q5MC2:

These are pretty neat. The datasheet shows the various models and options available.

The TL-Q5MC2 is actually the NC (normally closed) version. I'm thinking this probably isn't the one I want. The NO version would be the TL-QMC1.

  • 3-wire, NPN.
  • 17mm square, with 5mm sensing distance.
  • Various notes about application, sensing distance etc etc:

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