Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Differential encoder line driver

Differential line driver module:

The position sensors I used are simple open collector devices, typically used to acquire crank position information for engine management applications. In my application, the signals need to be fed into the CNC controller which expects differential signals. The CNC controller uses a AM26LS32A Quadruple Differential Line Receiver from TI / Motorola etc. Although it may be possible to frig the interface to sort of make it work with single ended inputs, it's going to be a bit dodgy to go that way.

My servo drives were supplied by in Hungary. As those drives also require a differential encoder signal, they sell a simple converter module for 4.50 Euros. They look just the ticket:

I've ordered 2 of these and will fit them in the head casting, as close to the sensors as possible, to make the most of the improved noise immunity offered by the differential signals. They will take a week or so to arrive but I'm not expecting to be doing any rigid tapping before then...

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