Friday, 7 June 2019

Top side CAM operations for MkII Z axis motor bracket / housing

Here's the (mesh) stock model from the previous setup being imported for use as the stock:

Finally, this is what is shown as the stock. Looks good to me.

Here's the CAM for the top side:

Pretty fiddly picking up the stock origin. I placed this on a machined corner, noting that the flat surface I was picking up on was 0.47mm left of the origin:

I need to get the original position right to avoid misalignment between the top and bottom operations. I've got a 20mm gauge block up against the end of the machined face (X axis). And I can pick up the Y and Z axes from the faces of the spacer plate. 

Right, that worked out nicely. No tool breakages so far....

The witness mark between the top and bottom setups is minimal. It's less than the 10um or so I can measure with a std digital caliper. 

Now for a cover....

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