Saturday, 5 March 2022

Z axis bracket for LiChuan motor

It's basically the same bracket as used on the X axis with the addition of a cutout to allow the limit switch cable to pass through. So make a quick mod to the CAD model, re-CAM the toolpaths and get cracking.

So it's the same toolpaths, with the additional cutout. I also took the opportunity to turn up the feeds, as the first job was glacially slow.

Stock chopped up, squared off to size and ready to go

Slight cockup - Fusion posted the final 2D Contour toolpath for the 4mm end mill without the 2D Adaptive that should have roughed out the slots. This was perhaps entirely predictable, as I'd left the job to The Stupid Fat Bloke who clearly only selected the last toolpath rather than the group of 3 toolpaths that all used the same tool. You'd think I'd have learned by now - but you'd be wrong.

The first operation was the internal cavity for the motor register and screw slots, so luckily there was no plunge into virgin metal. However, it machined the 9mm wide slots to full depth in one pass. After doing one slot without breaking a sweat, I let it complete the other three, then stopped before it attempted to "finish" the 4 closed slots. Admittedly I had a good flow of coolant clearing away any swarf and I backed that up with a gentle air blast but while it was still impressive it's not something I'd have chosen to do - or will do again intentionally.

Reposted and completed the job. 

Happy with that.

So that's both brackets ready for the arrival of the LiChuan servo motors. Luckily, the courier had a bit of a wobble and returned the shipment to LiChuan, something to do with the customs value, despite the fact they had declared the correct value of the goods (£500), so it may be a week or two before I see them. That's hardly going to hold things up, given all the other stuff I have on my plate.

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