Monday, 7 March 2022

Z axis drive pulley and way cover replacement

I've finally got everything cleaned up and ready to reassemble. The drive(n) pulley was a bit greasy, so has been shown a cleaning rag. 

I can now refit it, followed by the final set of way covers. Then I just need to fit the servos when they finally arrive.

This is the "free" end of the ballscrew, so the bearing is a slide fit and simply supports radial loads due to the belt drive.

All done now, until the servos arrive, so I'll replace the telescopic way covers in the meantime. After cleaning them up with WD40 and pot scubbers, that is. That's a PITA but the results are worthwhile:

The dark stain in the surface of the cross slide is more than superficial buildup - it seems to be diffused into the material and will only come off with some form of aggressive scouring. That wouldn't do the surface any good, it can't be seen and won't improve the performance, so I'll leave it as it is.

Must say, it's looking pretty good now. It needs some volts and amps to bring it too life!

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