Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Acorn conversion 95% complete - configuration settings - The Shiz lives again!!

Up and running:

The transition from Chinese controller (Newker 990MDb) to Centroid Acorn is almost complete. Seems to have gone pretty smoothly. I've pretty much connected up and commissioned most of the system now:
  • All 3 servos connected up to motors and system configured to suit. Started out with 60V / 5A from bench PSU until I'd checked that the servos were connected up correctly. The Y axis armature connection was initially arse about face.
  • Limit and home switches wired up. The +L and -L for all axes are wired together into one input. The home switches are wired into another input.
  • Power drawbar / VFD interlock / quill top switch commissioned. The impact driver will only operate if the VFD is stopped and the spindle is at top position.
  • Coolant pump (SSR controlled).
  • Lube pump (co-wired with lube pump - powered continuously when cabinet isolator in on position). The Bijur pump automatically delivers a stroke every so many hours of operation - no need for the controller to get involved.
  • VFD FWD / REV / speed / spindle stopped etc. All working nicely.
  • Cabinet cooling fan wired up and running.

  • Probe detect and input. Ready for me to finish messing with the Renishaw probe.
  • Spindle encoder cable run into the cabinet, ready for driver circuit. 
Runs the example programs OK - table movements, spindle rotation, soft and hard limits etc. I need to post process one of my previous jobs using the Centroid post and see how it works out....

    Some things still to do:
    • Spindle encoder requires differential driver. Need to make interface circuit.
    • Probe testing etc.
    • Spindle range selection??? Needs some thought - either learn about PLC programming or use a manual selection with a status input 
    Configuration settings:

    Here's what we have today:

    Lube pump connections: 

    Here's the lube pump with the wiring cover removed. The 2 black wires are (presumably) for the float switch. I won't be bothering with that. The synchronous ("clock") motor and gearbox controls the frequency of stroke delivery


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