Sunday, 4 March 2018

Assembling the baseplate

I've finished off as much of the baseplate metal bashing as I can think of for now. I've tried to cover all the options I anticipate ATM but doubtless I will have overlooked a couple of things.

So now to assemble all of the main components on the baseplate, ready to wire up.

Need to countersink the base of the bridge rectumfrier to clear the cinch nuts. I'm not expecting it to require much heatsinking but perhaps I should double check that later. I can always bung something under it, such as another lump from that heatsink I chopped up.

Got to find somewhere for these SSRs to mount. I'm short of places to put them.

So this is it. Assembling the components, ideally for good this time: 

Getting there:

No obvious cockups yet but time will tell. I may have to remove the transformer to get the weight down enough for me to fit the baseplate into the cabinet - it's bastard heavy - but first I will want to get it running on the bench. With the cinch nuts I can at least remove the transformer briefly and refit it once the baseplate is mounted in the cabinet.

Almost ready to start wiring now. I need to figure out what goes on the DIN rail soon....

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