Saturday, 17 March 2018

Probing function working!

The cable is wired up now.

Completed, along with 3.5mm stereo plug:

The toolholder that came with it is BT40 but my machine requires ISO40 (INT40) ie requires the addition of a shank / collar. Luckily I have one left over from the last time I converted some toolholders. The M16 bolt is screwed into both the holder and the collar. 

To weld these together, I ground a couple of slots (on opposite sides), then used the TIG welder to finish the job:

Here we are - all finished:

This screenshot shows the parameters as currently set. The key parameters are 11 and 44, which define the input channels for the touch probe and tool setting (touch plate) devices:

I've tried to set the machine up to use both the touch plate AND the touch probe. They need to have different sockets so I've now changed the plug on the probe to a 5 pin DIN style to prevent me plugging the wrong device in to the appropriate socket.

Fredsan on the Centroid forum showed how it was possible to get both working together, albeit with different input channel numbers.

So far I have the touch probe working but the tool setter doesn't play with the automatic tool length function. Have I messed up one of the parameters or got one of the inputs inverted? Need to mess about a bit....

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