Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Set up tool library in Acorn

Everything is in place to do the automatic tool length offset measurements, using my Chinesium tool setter. And as I am awaiting enlightenment on the rigid tapping issue, it seems now is as good a time as any etc etc.

Fairly simple:
  1. Take account of the current vertical position of the table by inserting the reference tool (#10) and doing an auto "Zref" measurement.
  2. Then insert the tool to be measured, enter the details in the tool library (short description, speed, coolant etc). Save the changes(!).
  3. Move over to the offset library, select the same tool (ideally!!) and then hit F3 / Auto Measure.
  4. Save the changes, then move to the next tool and repeat.
Slight issue, which I have always been aware of - the face mill (Korloy 5 inserts) doesn't contact the tool setter, as it is too large on the diameter. The auto tool measurement function positions the spindle above the tool setter (using my coordinates saved as "P3"), so I can't simply jog the table to offset the tool. And the tool diameter is too big to allow me to contact one edge of the setter with the inserts while remaining able to touch off on "normal" tools that have a central feature. I'll have to think about this - but for now I set it by eye.

Finally, I fitted an M8 machine tap (spiral flute) into the tapping chuck. Not being a completely delusional fool, I used a torque limiting collet and of course it's a tension compression head, so there is a slightly improved chance of not completely buggering the tap during my first trials.

Fairly pleased with the Chinesium touch tool setter thing. I get a very consistent offset measurement, typically 0 or 5um difference between repeated measurements on the reference tool. 

With a knee / quill mill like this, there is limited Z axis movement (about 150mm on mine), so the max difference in length between the longest and shortest tools has to be within that range. And of course, on a machining job that also has to include the machining movement. I ran out of movement when trying to measure the shortest tools, so had to move the knee up a bit. Pleasingly, the repeated measurement of one of my first tools came out within 5um.

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